1. NEXGEN Knowledge Center
  2. LEED Certification and MgO

How does the reusability of MgO panels earn LEED MR Credits 3.1 and 3.2?

MgO panels can be repurposed if installed using screw fastening techniques, which allow for undamaged removal and reuse. This contributes to LEED MR Credits 3.1 and 3.2, rewarding projects that incorporate reusable materials and components.

MgO panels can be repurposed if installed using screw fastening techniques, which allow for undamaged removal and reuse. This contributes to LEED MR Credits 3.1 and 3.2, rewarding projects that incorporate reusable materials and components.

Remember to ascertain how LEED MR Credits 3.1 and 3.2 for reusability apply to your project's specifics.

Read 7 Ways MgO Panels Contribute to LEED Certification


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